Dear Friend of the Natural Family — George Soros is wondering what’s going to happen this week because it’s the final week of the $100,000 IOF summer matching gift campaign. Let’s make this the worst week ever for George Soros by reaching our $100,000 goal!
Please step up and become a Sustaining Member of IOF by pledging to make a monthly donation to us.
The International Organization for the Family (IOF) is at the forefront of battling the agenda of George Soros and the left, which seeks to impose radical policies on nations, including abortion on demand, same-sex ‘marriage,’ commercial surrogacy, euthanasia and many other damaging policies. IOF is the infrastructure of the worldwide pro-family movement. weaving together hundreds of pro-family ministries on every continent into a worldwide pro-family movement.
We only have one week left in this critical matching campaign. Let’s all step up with a monthly pledge and send a message to George Soros that we’re going to battle him tooth and nail, in every country he seeks to advance his damaging agenda.
Please support the International Organization for the Family (IOF) today with a monthly pledge. We’re still behind our $100,000 goal but I am confident that if we all do our part for the next week, we’ll make our goal, and make this the worst week ever for George Soros!
Remember, every donation received by IOF through Labor Day will be matched dollar for dollar, and monthly pledges will be matched for an entire year! Your $15 pledge will result in IOF receiving $180 thanks to the matching gift offer.
Please act today to become a Sustaining Member of IOF to help us defend the natural family from attacks by George Soros and other leftist billionaires who are determined to remake society in their “progressive” image.
God Bless,